
Taking My Life Back...

Hey everybody. I'm Pam, and I started this blog to kind of chronicle my journey to a healthier weight for me. I will be starting Weight Watchers in about a week. I have been on WW before with great success. Before I lost close to 60 pounds. That was BEFORE though.. before my body went completely crazy.. Let me tell you a bit about myself so you know what I am up against. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome when I was about 13 years old. Because of the PCOS I have insulin resistance which is now veering into Type 2 diabetes. In 2001, I was hit by a drunk driver. Soon after I was diagnosed with Degenerative Joint and Disc Disease. That's when all the pain started. I started having migraines and severe back, neck, and shoulder pain.  In 2011, I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia so there came more pain and exhaustion. In 2013, my immune system spiraled out of control. I have had something called hidradenitis supperativa since I was a teen but with the spiral of my
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